An automated workstation for stitching automotive mats with maximum dimensions of 60 x 100 cm or 100 x 150 cm. The head design allows binding elements with internal curves, making it suitable for car mats and similar products. The station features an automatic mat feeder, an air-cushion table, a robotic arm to guide the mat, a specialized DK4640 head, and a system for placing finished mats.
Technical Specifications:
- Sewing speed: up to 3200 stitches/min
- Stitch width: standard 12 mm
- Transport system: Computer-controlled dual manipulator for mat handling
- Air-cushion table: Provides easy mat maneuvering
- Automatic thread trimming: Secures the last stitch to prevent unraveling
- Automatic feeding system: Feeds pre-prepared mats for stitching
- Maximum mat size:
- DK 4640-S version: 60 x 100 cm
- DK 4640-M version: 100 x 150 cm
- Automatic unloading system: Places finished mats automatically